Literature on Mental Impacts of Severe Weather

'Mental Health Impacts of Tornadoes: A Systematic Review'

Sangwon Lee and Jennifer M. First

'Joplin Tornado Experience and Mental Health Reactions Post-Event '

Brian Houston, Matthew Spialek, Jennifer First-

'PTSD in a New Orleans Workforce Following Hurricane Katrina'

Karen DeSalvo, Amanda Hyre, Danielle Ompad--

Veterans Guide

Serving in the United States military is a great sacrifice that millions of Americans have made. At Two Storms, we support uplifting our nation's veterans and the resources that can greatly benefit service members.

Veterans Guide is a comprehensive resource for veterans' benefits, disability processes conditions ratings, and more. Visit to learn more about resources for our veterans.

Did You Know?

Storms can worsen condition of those with existing disorders like anxiety or post traumatic stress disorders--

According to the work of The Lancet Psychiatry, exposure to hurricanes is a well-documented risk for new-onset major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People with substance-use disorders may increase consumption or relapse if they are in recovery.

Hurricane Maria, which struck Puerto Rico in September 2017. High rates of mortality extended at least six months after the storm--

causing mental disorders including traumatic bereavement and prolonged grief among survivors. In a sample of Puerto Rican citizens who relocated to Florida after Hurricane Maria, two-thirds showed symptoms of PTSD, and half showed signs of major depression.

The Psychiatric Services article suggests a number of steps that mental health workers can take to alleviate suffering.

Promotion of education that seeks to help others prepare for storms can minimize overall health risks, including the public’s exposure to trauma. As a storm approaches, health workers can warn patients with current mental illness to take protective actions. When a storm hits, and in its aftermath, they can provide care to those people whose mental health has been affected, and also lead studies to document the mental health effects of the storm.


Feel good about the apparel you wear. Two Storms gives 10% of all product cost to charities we strongly believe make a difference in mental health advocacy and severe weather relief. For more information, visit their sites linked below.


NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

What does NAMI do? The National Alliance on Mental Illness:

  • Provides education programs for individuals and families affected by mental illness
  • Advocates, supports, and brings public awareness to mental illness and fights stigmas
  • Offers support for individuals living with mental illness
  • Operates a toll-free helpline

For more information on NAMI's core mission, visit their site:

Team Rubicon

 Team Rubicon is a veteran-led humanitarian organization specializing in disaster response, with ample experience in severe weather relief.

What does Team Rubicon do?

  • Provides aid to those affected by natural disaster internationally
  • Supports and employs our veterans by giving them specialized work and purpose after their service
  • Gives continued support to communities rebuilding after natural disaster through periods of cleanup and rebuilding

For more information on Team Rubicon's misison, visit their site below:


Survivor's Guilt, PTSD, and Mental Health in the Weather Enterprise

